In January 2009 at MacWorld, I spent a good 20 minutes with a Nikon D90 — quite a compelling camera! I'm also tempted by the Tokina 11-16mm F2.8, a very fast ultrawide lens for event shoots in smaller rooms and limited spaces.
And then, there's the Nikon D700, with it's FX (~35mm) sensor and excellent low-light capabilities. So there's lots of room to grow on the equipment side of the equation, especially as new projects come along. Equally important, of course, is the creative side of equation: being there, recognizing, and capturing outstanding images. It's a lot of fun...
Update 4/12/2011: Last December, I bit the bullet and got the Nikon D7000. It’s a game changer. Please look ahead to 2011 for a post about this...