The blog is now online! And it's connected to the home page, under the About menu. This has been a long time coming. In the past, I've typically decried the reverse chronological format of blogs, because I was working on things like FAQs. Now it looks like wikis are filling that need more these days. I may look into a wiki some day, too...
Closer to (my) home (page) — my bio page (an outgrowth of the My Bio section on Smugmug) was beginning to get longer and longer with updating paragraphs. As these paragraphs continued to accumulate, they starting looking more and more blog-like.
So, another experiment — waldo647images has a blog! The trick here is to tease the blog apart from the bio page.
Starting this process today, creating posts retroactively going back to December 2007, it's occurs to me that these paragraphs were kept somewhat sparse to avoid their adding excessive length to the bio page. Over time, these entries may get beefed up a little, depending on my memory and cooperation from the creative muse. I may also re-craft the bio page to make it more cohesive, perhaps even shorter; and, well, more like a bio of my photographic efforts.
For the time being, comments are turned off. Frankly, I don't have time to deal with them. Maybe later I'll turn them on. Links may also move here from the Useful Links page. The only issue is that I kind of like how I'm treating them on the Useful Links page now, including a descriptive paragraph for each one. My concluding story about Carl de Cordova would probably make a better blog entry, though.
One thing: this blog is going to be content-driven, not frequency driven. In other words, it may go 10 days or even a month without a post, and then have a whole series of them, as the need arises.
A final note: I haven't figured out how to put this under the roof of my domain yet, so it's staying on, created with Blogger. That may change in the future, and if/when it does, it will hopefully be transparent.
Update 4/12/2011: This blog now has chriswesselmanphotography replacing waldo647images, but I’ve left the — not enough reason yet to change that.