04 April 2009
Moving the Useful Links page over here
I'm testing out yet another concept... Recently, I created a Useful Links page in my Google Page Creator space. This allowed me more control, and I was able to write short intros to each link that I was adding. I also ended it with a cool story about sitting on Carl's deck in Austin, drinking Shiner Beer, pondering the future of the web, circa May 1995. That story has since moved over here as a blog entry, and I've also set up those links over here, in a new Links section. The thought occurs to me that I can move the link intros over here, too, totally replacing the Useful Links page. It's making more sense to hang these links of this blog page, than have a separate page on the waldo•647•images site. I may change my mind about this later on, but right now, I'm thinking one less menu item there may be a good thing. As more photo shoots get added, the blue NavBar may get a little crowded. So we'll see how it goes...