23 August 2009

Flickroom — an LR interface for Flickr

I've been trying out Flickroom. I started out on Flickr, and then moved to Smugmug, initially for the interface — hey, all those white pixels are really eye-fatiguing after a while! And, I didn't see much reason to go back. Well, actually, the groups on Flickr are cool.

Flickroom is an Adobe AIR app, and to be honest, part of my curiosity was to test out AIR, on something that I might be using. I've since shown and emailed it to several friends and colleagues, and their actions have been similar: why didn't Flickr do this in the first place! It's true, it's a nice front-end, especially for those of us that prefer less fatiguing darker interfaces.

It's been quite a while since I uploaded anything to Flickr. My first digital SLR purchase coincided closely with the public beta for Adobe Lightroom, and I started with Smugmug not long after that. I've done two uploads with Flickroom so far. It's a significant improvement. Not quite as responsive as a local app, but the performance is close. My problem, I guess, is the back-end. Flickr and Smugmug are worlds apart for me now. The analogy of bicycles & airplanes comes to mind.

Well, to each, his or her own, I guess. If you're a Flickr user, be sure to check out Flickroom.

Update 4/15/2011: Glad to see that Flickroom is alive and well, and continuing to be improved! The link changed, and has been updated.